Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad Blogging

Wow...where do I start? It has been officially 6 weeks since my last blog entry (according to the "date" wheel). A lot has gone on since that time. We have taken Zachary to the doctor multiple times for shots (only Hep B) and other things, possible acid reflux, hospital stay follow up, diaper rash, the list goes on. Yes we are truly the paranoid first timer parents and it does show.

So for those of you who read the above closely, you saw hospital stay follow up. Here's the low down. Last Sunday, 10/12, Zach started throwing up, projectile vomitting. It got Ami concerned so we started dialog with the Pedes. They told us to monitor it and keep them updated. He was not himself that day at all, normally he eats and is awake for a while to "learn" during daytime, that day all he did was sleep and really didn't want to eat, which for him, is abnormal. As the day progressed he went for milk vomit to yellow vomit, which came from the Zantac he had been put on for his "Acid reflux" on 10/7, and then a milky yellow vomit. Needless to say, doctor said take him to the ER, something isn't right. The dialoge started about 11 am, and at 9 pm we were told take him in, nothing like dragging it out.

We got the the ER, he was running a temp of 100.5 rectally, yep that's right, in da butt! They told us a work up was required since they weren't sure what was going on, work up was to include, blood, urine and spinal tap. Luckily the blood draw and urine produced the issue. Little man had a Urinary Tract Infection so no spinal was required. He was admitted to Beaumont in Royal Oak Sunday night at 1 am and stayed there until Wednesday at noon. He was given IV anti-biotics and came home with Amoxicilin. He also, while there on IV anti-biotics, shat himself raw. Which is the diaper rash we are now dealing with...tons of fun let me tell you. Other than's some of the vital stats:

Zachary Kipf as of 10/20/2008:
Weight: 12 lbs 14 oz (yes that translates to horse for all you non believers)
Length: Greater Than 24 inches (wasn't measured today)

Our little trooper is sure growing up fast and quickly. Hard to really believe he is over 6 weeks now.

This past weekend he met some of his 2nd and 3rd cousins. Ami's cousin Tina and her 3 girls came over and cooked dinner for us Saturday and Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle John Kipf all came over on Sunday, with John's Girlfriend Teddi joining the party too. It was the latest he has stayed up ever, 10 pm. He was a cranky tired guy.

This coming weekend is another big deal, he get's Baptized on Sunday 10/26 and Mom and Dad are hosting the families for a little part is he going to be tired. Well I am done for now. I promise to update more and more as we get a "groove" going! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Oh, poor thing! I hope he's feeling better!

If you and Ami want to try getting Zachary onto a routine, then I totally recommend reading "The Baby Whisperer". That book is AWESOME and it works!!